The spy thriller O2, directed by Margus Paju and co-produced by Nafta Film and Taska Film, is set in Estonia in 1939, when Nazi Germany and Soviet union signed a non-aggression pact: the conclusion of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact led to the two powers dividing up Eastern Europe among themselves, which sealed their destiny for several decades to come. In the movie, a captain of the Estonian Military Intelligence (O-2) returns to his homeland to investigate the mysterious death of a colleague. In the circumstances where the Red Army`s plan to occupy Estonia has become obvious, the Soviet military intelligence involvement is gradually being revealed.
Year: | 2020 |
Producer: | Nafta Films, Taska Film |
Genre: | Põnevusfilm, Eepiline/ajalooline film |
Producer: | Esko Rips, Kristian Taska |
Director: | Margus Paju |
Screenwriter: | Tiit Aleksejev, Tom Abrams, Eriikka Etholen-Paju, Olle Mirme |
Cinematographer: | Meelis Veeremets |
Artist Director: | Jaagup Roomet |
Composer: | Rihards Zalupe, Eriks Ešenvalds |
Editor: | Marion Koppel |
Costume designer: | Kristina Lõuk |
Grimm artist: | Nele Pandis |
Main actors: | Priit Võigemast |